Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Random January Happenings

It's been a nice busy-but-low-key January so far. Here's what we've been up to...

I have so much fun making Noah's lunches. I ask him each night what he wants for lunch the following day. #thismomtakesorders #oneluckykid

We wandered around the Town & Country shopping center in Palo Alto the other day. Noah asked for a "brothers" picture so here they are sitting on an $825 pouf. Yes, I said $825! And it was on sale.

Elliot's favorite shark.

These boys had a blast at the Monterey Bay Aquarium over the weekend with their best buddy Cole.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Christmas, New Years, Wine Tasting and a Wedding 2015

Time really does go by so fast. It's already January and I can't believe we're now in 2016.

We had so much fun during the Holidays spending time with family and friends. Lots of day trips throughout the Bay Area and time spent with loved ones.

We stood in line waiting to see Santa for over 2 1/2 hours. This may be the last picture with him I'm afraid.

Noah asked if he was the real Santa and Santa said, "well touch my beard. Is it real?" Noah touch his "real" beard and bless his little heart still believes for at least 1 more year if not 10 more. Love that kid!

We spent Christmas morning at our place, just the 4 of us, opening presents and then went to Dana & Bart's house for their 2nd annual Christmas dinner.

A few of our Christmas appetizers. Cheese tags download available. Just send me an email.

The beautiful Christmas table setting. Menu template available. Just shoot me an email.
2015 Kandah Christmas Pic

Sibling Pic

The following Monday after Christmas we all went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. After braving the crowds for an hour we thought it best to leave and grab some lunch. #nevergoduringtheholidays

Sitting under the waves. They thought it was hilarious.

Wine Tasting Play Date | We were invited to go wine tasting with some friends at a local winery we'd never visited before. It is such a beautiful property and there were so many amazing photo backdrops.

Silly boys

We spent New Years Eve with family this year and it's our first year in a LONG time we've actually celebrated at midnight and not 9pm. We had a blast and some very gracious hosts!

New Years Eve family photo. #elmoslippersaremakingacomeback
Gavia/Stahlke Wedding | When your menu cards are used at your dear friends wedding. AHHH!! SO COOL! The ceremony was so sweet. I think that's the most I've cried at any wedding.
The reception was held at Trione Winery which is a beautiful property in Geyserville.  It was so much fun! We even made a music video! I can't wait to see it.
So happy for the newlyweds.


Prom pics?
